Surviving the Office Secret Santa: A Survival Guide
Christmas magic has infiltrated the office, but not in the traditional tinsel-and-holly way. Bring on the hilarity of the ugly sweater contest and the familiar (and sometimes dreaded) Secret Santa. This humble holiday tradition, typically light-hearted and informal, can occasionally tip over into the realm of awkwardness. Ever drawn the name of the colleague whose face you can’t place? The boss? Or worse still, that annoying person who grates on your nerves constantly? Some of the craftier individuals plan their holidays with military precision, avoiding this tradition entirely. But not you. You’re in it for the long haul, lest you get slapped with the “Scrooge” label for the rest of the year. So, how do you survive this office circus act? Don’t “sleigh” away just yet – I’ve crafted a hand-sewn survival guide to help you navigate the choppy waters of office Secret Santa. Ho ho ho, let’s dive right in!
Honesty is always the best policy: The art of open communication
Lets be real – instead of prancing around in confusion and guessing games, why not embrace the age old adage – honesty is the best policy? Often, the root of awkwardness is a simple lack of communication. Don’t be shy to politely ask your Secret Santa recipient about their likes, dislikes or wishlist. Not only will it help you select a thoughtful gift, it may also help you build a rapport with them (even if they usually drive you up the wall). Moreover, not everyone celebrates Christmas. Remember to check in advance if your colleague is comfortable with the concept of Secret Santa gifts. After all, we don’t want any festive cheer turning into frosty glares. This holds especially well when the person in question is the boss – it’s always better to communicate and pick a gift that won’t land you in hot ‘cocoa’.