As we surf on the wave of the feminist movement, we’re bound to run headfirst into intersectionality. It’s like a high tide that comes in with every push for women’s rights, gathering together undercurrents of anticapitalism, ecology, and anti-racism. We’re not just talking about getting carried away here, folks. No, liberation is not a beach holiday where you can leave your worries (or certain sections of society) behind. Many women authors have not just dipped their toes but dived headfirst into these waters, using their powerful voices to make tidal shifts in our society. Therefore, for your delight and enlightenment, we present five black authors who will fill your feminist sails with just the right kind of intersectional breeze.
Maya Angelou (1928-2014), The Phenomenal Woman Herself
Buckle up as we time travel to the life of Maya Angelou, a phenomenal woman indeed! With her captivating voice, practically more harmonious than a seasoned soprano, she took the world by storm. From stirring poetry to heartfelt memoirs, Maya’s work shines a light on the black female experience like the bright beam of a lighthouse, guiding the lost and inspiring the wanderers.
Audre Lorde (1934 – 1992), The Warrior Poet
Next on our literary journey, we meet Audre Lorde. With a pen mightier than any sword, she fiercely battled sexism, racism, and homophobia. As a self-proclaimed “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet”, Lorde’s work addresses the complex intersectionality of her identity. Remember to put on your armor of empathy and understanding as you dive into her powerful prose.
bell hooks (1952 – present), A True ~Sentence~ Hook
Let’s round out our trio with bell hooks. Bell hooks (yes, it’s all in lower case – come on, get with the trend) is a prominent feminist theorist, who has penned numerous works addressing race, capitalism and gender. With an uncanny ability to weave such heavy themes into accessible text, she’ll have you hooked on every word!
There you have it, fellow travelers. This is not a mere roll call of black women authors but a wake-up call for those still slumbering in ignorance about diversity in feminism. So, grab a book, get comfortable, and start sailing!