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The Art of Decluttering: Prepping Kids’ Room for New Toys

The Art of Decluttering: Prepping Kids’ Room for New Toys

As the festive season approaches, households scramble to declutter
and prepare for an influx of new acquisitions. While the grownups can
disengage themselves from unused items, convincing children to part with
their treasured old toys is trickier than attempting to sneak a cookie
from Santa’s plate! Even though these toys may be resembling mini
archeological sites under the bed or long-standing unused residents of
various cupboards, they seem to have encrusted themselves with an
irreplaceable sentimental value. Clutter hoarding not only makes the room
akin to a small museum but also limits space for Santa’s upcoming
presents. Presenting a fun and careful approach to assist your child
in bidding ‘see you later’ to their old toys without seeming like the
Grinch who stole Christmas!

Let’s Make the Decluttering Journey More Enjoyable

First and foremost, it’s important to imbue the task of clearing out
with a sense of fun and adventure. Think of it like an expedition: you
and your youngsters are archaeologists, unearthing long-lost treasures
from the hinterlands of the closet!

Involve Them in the Decision-Making Process

Instead of imposing your will, encourage your little one to make the
decision as to which toys should stay and which should go. Involving them
in the decision-making process can bolster their confidence and

Turn It Into a Teachable Moment

Use this as an opportunity to talk about the concept of giving and
sharing. Explain that their old toys could bring joy to less fortunate
children. This way, your child is not only learning about generosity, but
they’re also turning a bittersweet farewell into a heart-warming act of

Celebrate the Accomplishment

Once the decluttering session is done, ensure to celebrate it as a
milestone achievement. Reward their hard work with something they enjoy,
be it a family game night or their favourite dessert. Remember, the goal
is to make this process a positive and memorable experience.


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